Achievement Count: 13
Pretty shitty game but it looks nice. Got it gifted from a friend so I thought why not do the achievements.
Difficulty: 1/10
Time: 3/10
After training your horse, you can race your horse at the gates by clicking on the wagon. Your stable will show which races you've earned a gold trophy in. A level 1 horse can only do first level cups, a level 2 can only do second level cups and so forth. You can do these for multiple horses to get the extra money bonus. The gate must be upgraded to the same level as your horse as well. Whenever there's grass outside, you'll see a clover flare. If you click it, a clover will appear on your current weather. It gives you a higher percentage of winning a race. One time use, then pick up another.
All Contest Winner achievement icons are the same.
Your horse won all the first level cups, and became a first class race horse!
Contest Winner II.
Your horse won all the second level cups, and became a first class race horse!
Contest Winner III.
Your horse won all the third level cups, and became a first class race horse!
Contest Winner IV.
Your horse won all the fourth level cups, and became a first class race horse!
Contest Winner V.
Your horse won all the fifth level cups, and became a first class race horse!
Gate Quests
There are five achievements relating to the quests at the gate. A horse can only do quests its level as well as the quests under its level, but not above. Your gate must also be upgraded to the specific level. It's common that people don't see the quests past level 1, you just have to keep scrolling to the right to get to them. You cannot repeat doing all the quests for the money bonus, this is a one time deal.
People you've helped collected 500 gold for you to show their gratitude.
People you've helped collected 2000 gold for you to show their gratitude.
People you've helped collected 5000 gold for you to show their gratitude.
People you've helped collected 10000 gold for you to show their gratitude.
People you've helped collected 20000 gold for you to show their gratitude.
Unique Horse
I have bread a 5th Level Unique Horse on my Farm! Now it's time to search for the Magic Crystals.
Magic Crystal
Finally I have found one of the Magic Crystals! Let's go look for some more!
End Game
By the power of the Magic Crystals I was able to bring this Story to a Happy Ending!
You can upgrade buildings for the corresponding prices:
1st Upgrade: 60
2nd Upgrade: 200
3rd Upgrade: 600
4th Upgrade: 2000
5th Upgrade: 6000
This is probably the most important building ironically because this is one of two ways you can increase the amount of horses you can own. The other way is to own a level 5 horse.
Upgrading your stables will unlock items you can buy for your horse that can boost its stats. The most important thing about upgrading the stable is to get it to level 5 so you can purchase level 2 colts instead of buying unnecessary amounts of level 1 colts to train, mate and get level 2 horses.
The Gate controls what level quests and races you can attend. So it's fairly important so go upgrade this.
This is also important in saving time but not required but it unlocks higher level training courses for your horse to level up quicker. It helps in my opinion.
A nearly useless building, this building will allow you to cure your horse as well as make potions that boost your horses' stats as well. Higher level means better cures, but more expensive, and better potions for boosts.
The most useless building ever, the only thing I've ever seen this building do is create horseshoes for your horse to boost its stats. Unfortunately just boosting its stats isn't enough to win races normally, so I have no real use for it. Metal can be found in quests. Higher levels, better horseshoes.
The objective of the game is to get 5 magic crystals which is only possible by making 5 unique level 5 horses. So you might wonder how the hell does mating work?
Each horse can only be mated once.
For horses to mate, they have to be trained quite thoroughly
To get a level 2 horse, you have to mate two level 1 horses. To get a level 3 horse, you have to mate two level 2 horses. So you can't make a level 1 and a level 2 since it only gets you a level 2 horse. So to get a level 5 horse, you need to mate two level 4 horses which is four level 3 horses, eight level 2 horses and 16 level 1 horses. A lot of horses...
The five breeds are Demon Steed, Ice Steed, Fire Steed, Pegasus, and Unicorn. Originally, you can only buy Unicorns, but as you upgrade your stable, more options will be available. Here are the corresponding descriptions:
Unicorn: The grace and the beauty of this horse is one of a kind
Pegasus: The ancestors of this colt were unique racehorses
Ice Steed: Mountain peoples bred this kind of muscular horse
Fire Steed: This colt's ancestors were fearless and wild by nature
Demon Steed: People of forgotten civilizations passed on the secrets of breeding this type of horse
As you heard earlier, it would take 16 level 1 horses in order to beat the game, but let's be serious here. You don't want to train an additional 16 horses, you probably won't have enough room either if you intend to keep your level 5 horses. So, you have to upgrade your stables to level 5 so you can buy level 2 horses instead.
When training your horses, it's actually important to level up your corrals so you can train your horses according to their level properly. If you are able to complete the training minigames properly, then you only need to do each of the four tasks once to max out stats.
Although the breed of the first level 5 horse doesn't matter, things will matter later on in the end when you need a specific breed, so once you get your first level 5 horse, I recommend you to start pure breeding so you'll definitely end up with the right horse. Pure breeding meaning mating unicorns with unicorns until you get to level 5 and doing so for each breed.
Side Tip: Whenever the weather has a rainbow, go out to your farm and click on the rainbow for 100 gold. Godspeed.
My Approach
First start out by simply getting a horse. Then the first thing you want to go do is the quests at the gates as the gratitude achievement will net you some decent money. You'll want to upgrade your Well first so you can get another horse. Once you get your second horse, you'll be able to farm money much faster. Once you've ended up with a second horse, go train both of your horses so they can go race for money. You're not after gold so much as you're after all the gold trophies. Keep your eyes peeled for rainbow days and clovers in the grass.
After a while, you should upgrade your well again and try to obtain a Level 2 horse. Your first breed does not matter. You'll start pure-breeding later to save yourself some time. The first thing you want to do with this level 2 horse is the quests, but you have to upgrade your gate as well. If your horse gets sick, then you'll have to upgrade your barn. You shouldn't have to touch the blacksmith the entire game. If you're having trouble winning first place in races, try buying it accessories in your stable. Upgrade your stable slowly when you have spare change. You'll want to get a level 5 stable as soon as possible so you can stop buying level 1 horses and buy level 2 horses to speed up the process. After that, simply keep leveling up horses until you get a level 5 horse. Make sure to upgrade the corral so you can train them quicker. After you get your first level 5 horse, you can start selling your other horses since you can't mate them a second time. Also this is when you start pure breeding horses, so you won't end up with a random breed by the time you get to level 5.
So, quest every time you get a higher level horse. Then race it for the gold trophies in all events. Then repeat until you get to level 5. Then begin pure breeding. Then after a good 30+ hours, you should have all 5 horses.
I have both my well and stable at level 5 yet it says there's no more stalls. Help?